Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Elephant & Goose part 2

There once was a goose who...

1. Open with shot of flying "V" formation
2. Goose drops down from "v" and swims in water
3. Spots silhouette of goose and swims towards it
4. Turns out to be elephant & goose swims away
5. Elephant pretends to be goose
6. Goose mimics elephant (end scene)

Order subject to change:
7. goose and elephant go swimming
8. elephant leaves goose for ice cream truck
9. Gives goose popcicle (end scene)

10. Goose and Elephant play duck duck goose

11. Goose attempts to push elephant on swing but can't
12. Elephant pushes goose and goose gets stuck in tree
13. Elephant pulls out chain saw (end scene)

14. Goose and elephant are splashin in water
15. goose does cannon ball makes little splash
16. Elephant does can opener and splashes all of water out of pond
17. goose ends up in tree very angry and storms off

18. Elephant is waiting for goose.
19. See's flying "v" shape leaving this time
20. Thinks goose has left
21. See's goose and the two unite
22. They live happily ever after

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