Wednesday, September 8, 2010

Elephant and Goose

The Goose and the Elephant
- Synopsis – A goose meets an elephant on a blin
d date sort of scenario. At first the goose is timid and scared and the Elephant is very cautious about his approach to the goose. Despite first appearances, the goose and elephant look deeper and find things in common and fall for each other.

The two animals meet in a pond in Africa. The goose is drawn towards the elephant’s trunk that resembles a goose. Looks up to see the towering Elephant and is frightened. The Elephant smiles making the goose feel a bit more welcomed. Still fri
ghtened the goose swims away. Shortly after, the Elephants trunk appears again along his side dressed up like a ridiculous goose. The two laugh and share a moment.

The animals meet in the pond again and swim around together. The goose splashes the Elephant playfully and the elephant retaliates drenching the poor goose with a lot of power. The goose gets out of the water and attempts to shake to dry off. The elephant then blows on the goose with a bunch of force to dry him off leaving the goose looking ridiculous. The two laugh again and the goose hugs him.

The two go for a walk and the goose stops to admire a flower. Either the elephant eats it or steps on it and the goose attempts to fix it. The goose becomes angry and storms off.

The next day, the Elephant is waiting at the pond with a flower to meet the goose who is running late. Off in the distance if a flock of geese flying away to migrate and the Elephant loses hope thinking that the goose has left it. When the Elephant turns to walk away in sadness, it hears the honk of a hurt goose. Looking down at its foot, the Elephant sees the goose and the two rejoice.

1 comment:

  1. Hii I'm about to start a blog I'm thinking of calling it elwezz wel feel (the geese and the elephant in arabic) could I use ur art and story while citing u as the author? Thanks....
