Thursday, October 14, 2010

Story Boards Round : I


  1. These are reading really well, you can get a good idea of what's going on and the gags are pretty well shown. I also like the character designs you've got going.

  2. Great start the compositions work very nicely. I love the colors choice how they are soft and complements. Let me know if you still want me to help on modeling the environments. Lastly, the elephant is adorable he is a character you wont be able to dislike.

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. NOTE: Deleted last post due to typo. I don't do typos and correct them when I notice them.. haha.

    Heya Chelsea!

    Random note: I was browsing through 2007 orientation photos on facebook and saw you! You're untagged, I'll send you a link.

    I'm not too sure how literal to take these boards, so don't hate me if I get annoying ^_^. I apologize.

    To start, your character designs are great. I think they are cute, and the color works well.

    For the boards:

    Panel 01 -

    I really like the new intro for the bird. I think it works. One thing I'm not sure about, is having the elephant so much bigger than the tree. I know you wanted the tree to be in the background, but maybe push the elephant back a tiny bit more?

    One other thing, that might be nit picky.. is there is too much of a tangency between the tree and the elephants trunk in his final pose. My eye keeps going to that spot in the camera. Maybe this will look different if you use a depth of field. Like, when the elephant notices the tree, the tree is in focus. When we pay attention to the elephant, the tree is out of focus?

    Panel 02 -
    I like how these shots are working. Maybe for the next board, you might want to include the camera frame so we can better visualize whats in the shot.

    Panel 03 -
    Again, working pretty well. Might want to exaggerate the elephants pit-picking more. I'm not sure if this is a camera issue or animation issue.

    Panel 04 -
    I LOVE how you came back to the tree. Tarantino it up! ^_^

    Is this the end of the story? Maybe because I didn't hear the pitch, I'm a little let down. Felt like it's over too quickly. I want more. Possibly one more gag, or more interaction in the shots? Not sure. I wanna hear you pitch it.

    The final panel is nice. Lots of fun can happen there with the lighting. ^_^

    Awesome story so far!

